Monday, December 10, 2007

70 degrees at Christmas

I don’t think I’ll ever adjust to Southern California weather in December. Even though I've lived here for 29 years.

Every year I remember the crisp coldness and sometimes snow that Christmas brought to Maryland when I was growing up. Notice I said “remembering.” This is different from “longing for.”

Remembering is an important part of the season. More interesting than this, though, is that most of the world (including the Middle East) does not associate snow or cold weather with this time of year. This reminds us that our Christmas traditions originate in Europe and northeastern America.

It’s like our favorite carols. Almost all of them originate in the nineteenth century (and in Europe or America). People celebrated Christmas for 1800 years before any of them were written.

Yet the carols we hear over and over seem to be a fixed tradition. Notice that new carols (and there are many, many excellent ones) are never permanently added to our celebration. New popular music for Christmas may be with us for a few years, but our core favorites never change.

I think the specific traditions we associate with Christmas are more important to us culturally than spiritually.

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